

Friday Favs

If you want to participate in this awesome blog hop head over to Living to tell the story

Basically what this is, is a way to show your favorite things of the week!
Now if you want to join in this awesome Friday faves go over to the link above and  Susanne will tell you what to do.

So here we Go!

1. My mom and dad!
My mom has been a constant blessing to me, always training me and guiding me to be the lady God wants me to be and the wife i will need to be one day.

My daddy has been my king until my prince comes and he is awesome!
God has blessed me with two very godly parents who have passed their standards and faith down to us kids.
 photo welcomeimg_zpsd5aa278e.jpg  her link is here his link is here

2. The trip we took to Hungary
This Monday our family was blessed being able to  Hungary for some frugal shopping and, the reason i'm
Happy about that is because I got some awesome things (food :) that we can't get here.

3. Nutella!
I can't begin to express how much nutella means to me especially this week!

4. Faithful people
This week Kresho, one of our Gypsy men stood up and recited 2 Timothy 2:1-7!
This man can barely read and yet he recited a verse.
Praise God for who will hopefully be the first gypsy preacher in Croatia.

5. My Bible!
My Bible has been a guide to me especially this week.
God has showed me so many things that are new this week it's unreal!

So there you have My Friday favs!
Don't forget to check out Susanne's post!

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  1. What a wonderful list, Hannah! I especially loved your #4. God's Word and His promises are far reaching and know no barriers. I love that! Have a great weekend!

  2. How nice to "meet" you! I have visited your mom's blog a few times. Your tribute to your parents is so sweet.

    I am not a Nutella fan myself, but my middle son and d-i-l love it. Glad you found some!

    How wonderful to hear about the gypsy man reciting a verse though he couldn't read.

    Amen to #5 - what a treasure trove we have in God's Word.

    Some Blogger blogs are not letting me comment through my Wordpress account, where my blog it, ao I am having to use my Google account.

    Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

    1. Thanks Barbara!
      It's very nice to meet you too.
      I honestly love nutella but sometimes it can be too sweet.
      And yes I was blessed to have a heart humbling privilege to hear Our Gypsy man Kresho recite his verse.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. What a great list of faves...especially about the man quoting scripture. And Nutella is one of my oldest daughter's fave snacks (her name is Courtney and she is 21 away at a Christian college near Boston MA) and it's also one of my fave snacks!! We like it with apple slices and on pumpkin bread :) Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Nutella!! Mmmmm! Around our house, we love our Nutella--we were introduced to that ambrosia in Indonesia.
    I'm sure your parents would name you as their first fave, too! If we have wonderful, faithful parents, we are truly blessed.
    Happy (American) Thanksgiving from California!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Willow.
      And my mom actually did hahaha as #1 before she listed our dog!!! (lucky me)
      And Thanks happy Thanksgiving to you from Croatia.
      Where I live they don't celebrate Thanksgiving but it's such an important Holiday that we have to celebrate it, of course.
