Where to buy inexpensive clothes.
I have been thinking of a suitable blog post seeing as nothing super exciting is going on right now.
I thought that I would do a post on my top favorite websites for ladies clothes!!!
Now I have literally never bought any thing from these stores but ,hey I thought why not at least show ya'll my finds!!!
They have super cute inexpensive clothing pieces like this dress for only $6.80!!!
I will say that it will be hard to find modest clothes because well the world doesn't go for the whole modest thing.
Super cute items at this online clothing and accessory shop!
Such as this adorable dress for only $15.49!!!
Cute,cute, cute!!!
I will say that the over all look of the page is a little inappropriate, I did notice ladies in tight fitting outfits, but if the products are good then it's not a bad shop.
$20.21 $15.91 $13.98
Here you can find a wide variety of things especially clothes!
And at reasonable prices I might add.
At $11.40 this dress is a steal!!!!
It also comes in a pink and grey dress.
This website ( has a wide variety of shoes-clothes-purses and accessories.
It has super inexpensive items and has excellent reviews.
So I hope that these shops prove useful next time you need to spice up your wardrobe!!!
Thanks for the sites Hannah. I am shopping for some spring weddings and it is so hard to find anything that I like!!