How do I dress for that wedding?


So recently I got a comment on one of my post from a lady who had said she was going to some spring weddings. Well I am obsessed with weddings!!! (ask my mom)
I then thought since I am obsessed and since there will be many weddings soon it would be fun to talk about what to wear to a wedding.

Honestly, I have only been to a few weddings and those were a long time ago, but I had been watching Four Weddings on TLC and I have seen what not to wear to a wedding.
Honestly I stopped watching it because #1 People dressed very inappropriately, and #2 They accted like animals and honestly it was just one big party.
A wedding should be a time to spend with the couple.

Any who I thought it would be fun to post about what to wear to a wedding.
Whether that wedding be a black tie event or even a casual intimate wedding I have scanned the web for pictures to help you find that perfect outfit for that wedding.

Oh! Before I start I wanted to let ya'll know that I am working on making graphic pictures describing my posts so that ya'll can share my posts better on Pinterest but it'll take some time.

My first point;

1. Do not match the Bridal Party!!!!
 The Bridal party wants to stand out.  If you are matching them then it won't be as special for them.
I mean you wouldn't want to steal their thunder, would you?  Of course not:) Many times, in fact almost 90% of the time the colors of the wedding will be on the invite and you can stray away from those colors. But more importantly then wearing the colors of the bridesmaids, wearing white-champagne-or blush is a no no! You won't know what the dress looks like (since it is usually a secret)
 so you need to stray away from any color similar to those of a wedding dress. Because the bride is the most important member of the bridal party, um.. and so is the groom, so no matching her.

A good tip is to wear something patterned that will most likely not be worn by the bridal party.

2. Do not reveal "You" to the rest of the world!
This is important for many reasons, including that it would be against God. He doesn't want you to be revealing and as His child you should long to dress for His glory. Also all eyes need to be on the Bride and not your stuff.
The Bible says:
1 Timothy 2:9 - In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

3. Dress to the type of event.
If it is a black tie dress appropriately. In a long dress preferably flowy yest still not beachy.
If it is at night dress in dark colors.
Image result for modest dark long formal dress
Some short dresses would be suitable as long as they don't look like day dresses.

If it is a casual dress then a outfit like this would be appropriate
Image result for church modest dress
Casual yet still dressy.

If it is a casual garden wedding very comfy and laid back do not come looking like this:

Image result for comfy clothes
No!!! Don't even think about it! This isn't
A more suitable outfit would be a day dress.

Image result for midi dress
Something cool and relaxing but still respectful to the fact that you are going to a wedding.

I hope this post was helpful to you, God bless!!!

 photo nan_zpsae6ec91b.jpg

1 comment:

  1. LOL Hannah!! I will take that superman jumpsuit back to the store! I think I have decided on a dress for the first wedding.It is a black and white polka dot wrap dress. The wedding is at a farm venue. Venues seem to be popular as you know if you watched Four Weddings.( and I agree with you about some of those events!) But the wedding I am attending in May is a more formal affair so I am still deciding on it. I may just wear a nice suit that I own.
